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Zantedeschia aethiopica "Green Goddess" (Calla green goddess)
The Zantedeschia, also called calla lily, is a species that makes white flowers with green leaves.
This Zantedeschia variety is called “Green Goddess” and grow white spates tipped with green colour.
(modificale nel modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
(modificale nel modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
Type of plant: Bog Plant
Maximum height: 50 cm.
Maximum depth: 15 cm.
Flower type and color: Flower white and green
Flowering: Good flowering
Characteristics and comment: The Zantedeschia, also called calla lily, is a species that makes white flowers with green leaves.
This Zantedeschia variety is called “Green Goddess” and grow white spates tipped with green colour.
Flowers are like classical zantedeschia with a white spathe and yellow center, but the tip of the spates is green.
Can be grown in a large pot or planted directly in soil. In winter time with ice the plant will die but the rhizome will survive and will sprout again in spring time.
Can be grown submerged with 5-15 cm. of water deep, or in the pond border where soil remains moist. Good fertilization helps the plant to grow bigger and develop faster during the mild season.
With hot temperatures the plant will go dormant and growth will be slower.
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